kronecker product

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  1. Fast Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Algorithms Based on Kronecker Product of Matrices
  2. Characters of the Kronecker Product of Permutation Matrices
  3. The Positive Definiteness of Kronecker Product of Complex Positive Definite Matrices
  4. This paper presents a fast algorithm for image super-resolution reconstruction based on the Kronecker product of matrices.
  5. The precise relationship between the singular value decompositions of a weighted extended matrix and its original matrix is derived by using the properties of Kronecker product.
  6. Generalized Inverse Matrices of Kronecker Product of Matrices over Special Galois Ring
  7. Document [ 3] constructed binary linear constant weight codes by Kronecker product.
  8. Application of Kronecker Product to Unbalanced Experiment of Analyzing Multiple Factors
  9. The Kronecker Product of Generalized Normal Matrices
  10. In present paper the Kronecker Product is introduced and applied to obtain a new formula for rates of stretch tensors.
  11. In this paper Layer-built Kronecker Product Expansive Method of Matrix, in Which Rows Are Orthogonal Each Other and fast algorithm of expanded matrix are presented. Using this expansive method, Orthogonal Complete Systems in L2-space are built up.
  12. The discussion shows that this algorithm using Kronecker product has advantages over previous ones. And it together with minimization by means of bj Map currently proposed by the author provides a new method for studying Reed-Muller expansion of functions and their minimization.
  13. A simple Proof is given that the entanglement of kronecker Product state is zero.
  14. Hadamard Product and Kronecker Product of Positive Semidefinite Complex Matrices
  15. This article researches into the Kronecker product of matrix. By means of the rank of matrix, line outspreading, it gives some conditions in which a matrix can decompose to two Kronecker products of matrix.
  16. In this paper we study The congruence normal form, the positive definiteness of Kronecker product and Hadamard product for the complex positive definite matrices were studied.
  17. In this paper, we point out the definition and nature in [ 1] has already been solved and give some nature for kronecker product of matrix.
  18. Product, Kronecker Product and Hadamard Product of Inferior Positive Define Complex Matrices
  19. In this paper, We use Kronecker product and effective matrix to give an effective method of missing data experiment of analyzing multiple factors.
  20. This paper presents a Kronecker product technique used to investigate the proportionally damped discrete vibratory systems 'eigenvalues.
  21. Based on the special matrix operations including Kronecker product, Hadamard product and vectorization, the integration of monomial integrand on simplex domain is expressed in matrix form and a recursive formula for the simplex integration is presented.
  22. Construction and normal character Kronecker product of matrices of Hadamard matrix
  23. Some Properties of Kronecker Product of Matrices
  24. Some matrixes inequalities on Kronecker product and Hadamard product
  25. It is shown that how through the Kronecker product the model-calibration approach can be used to estimate bilinear parameters, in particular, to estimate variances and covariances.
  26. Solving Matrix Equation by Using Kronecker Product and Generalized Inverse of a Matrix
  27. Multilevel Hadamard matrices with higher order can be easily obtained by Kronecker product based on two existing multilevel Hadamard matrices.
  28. Based on the information of sequence code, it is generated with generalized rademacher function and the method of rotate right and generalized shift copy respectively. Based on matrix block copy, it is generated with Kronecker product.
  29. The definitions of new products of fuzzy finite state machines are given by application of Kronecker product.
  30. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the pros and cons of each measurement matrix construction process and expressive, the proposed structure is based on orthogonal basis Kronecker product of the measurement matrix.